The classic snake game

Snake Game in C

The classic snake game that a lot of us were addicted to playing on our cellphones, made for DOS using C/C++ language with Borland’s Turbo C & graphics.h library

The project started as a hobby project to explore my C/C++ skills and I along with my friends used it as my project for the Computer Graphics course at my university

Originally posted on TechBirbal on Wed, Feb 20, 2008 by me, under my alias ju_s_t4u. Unfortunately, this great site was discontinued by its owner, hence only archived links available

You may need to install DosBox to compile and/or play the game.


This is the classic version of the most popular mobile and computer game named “SNAKE”. The main objective of this game is to feed an increasing length of a snake with food particles which are found at random positions, picking up bonus mongooses that occur at regular intervals.

Classic Snake Game

The game starts with selecting one of the three difficulty levels followed by a screen which asks the user to select whether he wishes to play a bounded game or an unbounded game. These concepts are discussed later in the synopsis.

Features Of the Game

  • A very user-friendly game
  • Simple and easy game to understand
  • Explanations provided in the game as and when required
  • 3 different difficulty modes
  • 2 different gaming arenas
  • 3 Chances for each user
  • Presence of bonuses in the game to increase scores
  • Presentations of score card in a precise tabular form


The “snake game” is a game made in C++ language. This is a game which is quite easy to play. The game is a classic representation of the snake game which appears as an inbuilt game feature in most of the leading mobile handsets like Nokia.

The “snake game” is one of the simplest game concepts ever, and just like Tetris it’s very addictive. There are a lot of variations of this game written in Flash, a relatively easy game to code, with an ability that when keys are pressed in rapid succession they are all registered. This is necessary if you want to have full control of the snake at all times.

Your goal is to move the snake and eat as many “food” blocks as possible. There is only one food block at any given time. When the food is eaten, the snake grows in length. If you hit the snake itself the game is over.

Depending on the mode selection, the game modifies itself and hence gives the user choices as he is free to select the difficulty level, the game arena that he can select a bounded or an unbounded region.

Each user gets 3 chances. After the snake consumes a food particle, the score increases. After picking up 15 food particles, a bonus mongoose appears. This Bonus is present only for a limited time. Once the user picks up a bonus, his points increase by 5.

If the user wishes to quit the game anytime, He or she can press the ‘X’ key on the keyboard. This would directly exit the game.

Different modes used in the game

  • Easy mode: Here the box size in which the snake is allowed to move around freely is larger in size as compared to the other two modes. Hence, the user finds it a lot easier to control the snake. Chances for the snake to die are quite less
  • Medium mode: Here the box size in which the snake is allowed to move around freely is larger in size as compared to the hard mode and smaller than in easy mode. Chances for the snake to die are moderate
  • Hard mode: Here the box size in which the snake is allowed to move around freely is smallest. Chances for the snake to die are highest

Different Gaming Arena

  • Unbounded mode: Here, during the process of travelling, if the snake hits the boundary wall, it does not die, instead it comes out from the opposite wall as though there is a continuation in the movement.
  • Bounded mode: Here, during the process of travelling, if the snake hits the boundary wall, the snake dies, and this is counted as a loss of life. This is a tougher mode as compared to the unbounded mode.

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A trader/entity in India pays value added tax (VAT) while buying goods and services and also collects VAT while selling to the next entity in the supply chain.

Say, the trader bought some goods worth Rs. 10 and if the VAT rate is 10% he would then pay Rs. 11 to the seller including Rs. 1 as VAT. Now the trader sells the goods to another entity for say Rs. 15, he also collects Rs. 1.5 from the buyer in this transaction. Overall the trader paid Rs.1 and collected Rs.1.5 towards VAT. At the end of the day this trader now owes Rs. 0.5 to the government between these two transactions amongst the three entities.

A trader of a decent magnitude would probably have several thousands of transactions a year across hundreds of buyers and sellers. The trader has to periodically (monthly/quarterly/annually) pay the net VAT he owes to the government. At this time he also needs to justify how the net VAT has been reached at. And this is done by a simple balance sheet (J1/J2) stating how much VAT he paid and to whom and how much he collected and from whom. The buyers and sellers are referred to by a unique number called taxpayer identification number or TIN. The government now knows from you, how much VAT you collected, at the same time it also knows from all your sellers how much VAT they collected from you when they submit their accounts.

Mathematically, the sum of all the VAT collected from you from all the sellers would be same as sum of all the VAT you paid to all of them. If either the trader fails to collect the correct TIN of the one of seller or one of the seller fails to provide your correct TIN, this would quickly raise a mismatch and a possible enquiry from the government asking for an explanation to either of the entities.

It’s the traders responsibility to gather and verify the TINs of various entities it transacts with, he may obtain it verbally, through email, sms and any medium he prefers. Obviously this can lead to mistakes. Thankfully the government (of Maharashtra in this instance) has provided a portal to verify and validate TINs @ Before submitting their accounts to the government, the trader, or his accountant, has to validate all the TINs in their records. An average 200-300 TINs may be fairly the size for each trader. An accountant may have 20 such clients and hence has to validate thousands of TINs. The portal in it’s current form allows validating on TIN at a time only.

Given the above pretext and the importance of having correct TINs and at the same time validating hundreds or thousands of TINs at once let me to create This came as a request from one of my close relatives who is a Chartered Accountant. I have not hacked the government’s TIN database or gained any access to the same maliciously. The tool provides a bulk input interface to the existing portal of the government and validates one TIN at a time behind the scene like a person would do.

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Highcharts Tips – Accessing chart object from container id

Given the following container for Highcharts, how do you access the appropriate chart object from the container’s id?

<div id="containerId"></div>

Let’s see how we can get a handle of the chart object to display the title

Highcharts 3.0.1+

Highcharts 3.0.1 has made it fairly straightforward like most jQuery plugins

var chart=$("#containerId").highcharts();

Highcharts 2.3.4+

For Highcharts 2.3.4+ the array Highcharts.charts could be used in conjunction with the data-highcharts-chart attribute to get the position of the chart in the array

var index=$("#containerId").data('highchartsChart');
var chart=Highcharts.charts[index];


An array containing the current chart objects in the page. A chart’s position in the array is preserved throughout the page’s lifetime. When a chart is destroyed, the array item becomes undefined.

If you have only a single chart on your page, you can smartly predict the index to be 0 and skip the first step

var chart=Highcharts.charts[0];

All Versions

For versions before 2.3.4 you would need to track/manage the object yourself. We could use a map/object to store the charts by Id

var window.charts={}; 
function foo(){
  new Highcharts.Chart({...},function(chart){  
      window.charts[chart.options.chart.renderTo] = chart;

function bar(){
  var chart=window.charts["containerId"];

If you have only a single chart on the page, you could simplify to just a window.chart  object

function foo(){
   window.chart=new Highcharts.Chart({...});

function bar(){
   var myChart=window.chart;


Understanding Highcharts – Regular/Discrete Series Data

This is a part of the Understanding Highcharts – Series Data blog series

Let us first define what we mean by discrete or regular to set the context on this blog

  1. The x-axis (independent axis) is numerical
  2. The x-axis can be extended infinitely on either side, but sometimes can be bound by a mix & max
  3. Discrete: The x value of a points can’t be any number, but a certain (yet infinitely large) subset of the number system
  4. Regular: The difference between the x-values of any two given points is always an integral multiple of a fixed interval

Mathematically, all the x values can be formulated as follows

x = reference_x + N * fixed_interval



is the x value of a pre-defined reference point in the series, this can be the first point, last point or any other point in the series. N is an integer, can be positive or negative.


is a fixed float. The values of




are static across all the points and only the N value varies from point to point. Integers & Natural numbers are classic examples of such series with


Theoretically, for any series if we were to reduce the


to a very small number, we would always be able fit all data points into the above formula. But in most cases we would not have y-values for all corresponding


values for such small


Let’s say we are driving a car and wish to track the fuel consumption & time taken along our journey. For this experiment, we may choose a fixed interval after which we take a reading, let’s take a reading after every 50 kilometers. Initially, my odometer reads 10000 km and fuel tank is 90%. At the end of the journey I have the following readings

Odometer (km) Fuel Consumed (ltr.) Time Taken (mins.)
10050 7.2 110
10100 7.76 120
10150 8.96 115
10200 3.92 89
10250 7.76 122.6
10300 8.4 117

It can be easily inferred that

fixed_interval = 50 & reference_x = 10000

In fact the


could have been any x value in the series, just that the value of


for points before it would be negative if we were to choose any point other than the start point. More importantly, Highcharts makes life easy if we choose the first point as reference, we will see how to do it next. Generally, although not always, there would be not more than one y value corresponding to each value of x.

Regular/Discrete Series Data in Highcharts

It is easy to notice the pattern of the x values in such series. Given the first point and the interval, the Nth x-value can be calculated & Highcharts offers doing this calculation for you! The series options of Highcharts has following two special properties

If no x values are given for the points in a series, pointStart defines on what value to start. On a datetime X axis, the number will be given as milliseconds since 1970-01-01, for exampleDate.UTC(2011, 0, 1). Defaults to 0.


If no x values are given for the points in a series, pointInterval defines the interval of the x values in milliseconds. For example, if a series contains one value each day, set pointInterval to 24 * 3600 * 1000. Defaults to 1

If the above two properties are set in the series options, we can simply skip the x-values in the data and just provide the y values and let Highcharts take care of the rest.

1) A list of numerical values. In this case, the numerical values will be interpreted as y values, and x values will be automatically calculated, either starting at 0 and incrementing by 1, or from pointStart and pointInterval given in the plotOptions. This option is not available for series types with more than one value per point, like area range or OHLC.

data: [0, 5, 3, 5]

Let us see how to handle the above example in Highcharts

series: [{
    name: 'Fuel Consumed',
    pointStart: 10000,
    pointInterval: 100,
    tooltip: {
        valueSuffix: ' ltrs.'
    data: [0, 7.2, 7.76, 8.96, 3.92, 7.76, 8.4]
}, {
    name: 'Time Taken',
    pointStart: 10000,
    pointInterval: 100,
    data: [0, 110, 120, 115, 89, 122.6, 117],
    tooltip: {
        valueSuffix: ' mins.'
    yAxis: 1


In this approach we are forced to put one and only one value for each possible x value. Since Highcharts calculates the x values by itself, we have very limited control over it.

Say, we did not have valid data for one of the x values? Or one of the x-values is itself not valid? Had we specified the x-values ourselves, we could easily skip the particular data point. We do have an option to mark the y-value as


for missing points, but this will break the chart and may be undesired. If we just wish to skip the point but not break the chart, we would need to use the [x,y] approach.

data: [0, 7.2, 7.76, null, 3.92, 7.76, 8.4]

If we wanted to something more special, e.g. have multiple Y values for a given X, we may have to choose to treat the data as irregular and provide explicit x values for all points.

Read More @ Understanding Highcharts – Series Data blog series

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Understanding Highcharts – Series Data

Getting back to basics, let us have a look at the the most fundamental aspect of a chart, the data. Diving deeper into the option of Highcharts.

This is a series of posts dealing with the following topics

Some of the topics are tentative, leave feedback if you want something more covered

Understanding Highcharts – Categorized Series Data

This is a part of the Understanding Highcharts – Series Data blog series

Categories are a bunch of strings that sit on your independent (generally x) axis. Say, for plotting average temperature by country, the country names on the x-axis are categories. This is the simplest form of data, the points & x-axis labels are equally spaced horizontally.

Highcharts supports defining this kind of data in the following two ways

Method I – Using xAxis.categories

Defining the categories at once while defining the x-axis using the xAxis.categories option, and defining only the y values for each series

xAxis: {
	categories: ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec']
series: [{
	name: 'Mumbai',
	data: [24.2, 24.6, 26.7, 28.6, 30.1, 29.0, 27.5, 27.2, 27.4, 28.2, 27.4, 25.6]
}, {
	name: 'New Delhi',
	data: [14.1, 16.9, 22.4, 28.6, 32.8, 33.8, 31.0, 29.8, 29.2, 26.0, 20.3, 15.4]

Method II – Using {name,y} point format

If you are like me, you may not find the above approach very natural. The approach asked us to define all x-values (categories) first and then the y-values as another array, I prefer defining my points as (x,y) or something similar. Well, now we can do just that with Highcharts 3.0, which supports defining categories at the time of defining your data. The now also takes an array of objects, with two properties viz. name and y. The name acts as the category. Additionally we need to instruct Highcharts to use the xAxis as a category axis as follows.

xAxis: {
	type: 'category'
},series: [{
	name: 'Mumbai',
	data: 	[{name:'Jan',y: 24.2},
		 {name:'Feb',y: 24.6},
		 {name:'Mar',y: 26.7},
		 {name:'Apr',y: 28.6},
		 {name:'May',y: 30.1},
		 {name:'Jun',y: 29.0},
		 {name:'Jul',y: 27.5},
		 {name:'Aug',y: 27.2},
		 {name:'Sep',y: 27.4},
		 {name:'Oct',y: 28.2},
		 {name:'Nov',y: 27.4},
		 {name:'Dec',y: 25.6}]

Basic observation tells that the first method allows defining categories only once, hence if there are multiple series having same set of categories the first comes handy and prevents repetition & duplication. I would also use the first form if the set of categories were to be static, this would allow me to easily elevate the categories in a default option object. The second approach is more suited, in my opinion, for situations where the data and the categories are generated programmatically.

Read more @ Understanding Highcharts – Series Data blog series

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Customizing Highcharts – Tooltip Visibility

Let’s play around with the Highcharts tooltip some more. Last time we saw how to customize the position of the Highcharts tooltip, today we shall look at how to work around the visibility of the tooltip.

The outcome of this exercise would be

The default behavior of the tooltip is to show up when the user hovers over a point, the tooltip then stays visible as long as the user is still interacting with the points on the chart. The tooltip fades out with a delay after the user moves outside the chart area. Let’s see how to prevent this fading out and always have the tooltip persist on the chart area even after the mouse has moved outside the chart area.

In the process, we shall also learn about Extending Highcharts. Let’s extend the Highcharts.Tooltip class using the very convenient Highcharts.wrap method.

JavaScript with its dynamic nature is extremely powerful when it comes to altering the behaviour of scripts on the fly. In Highcharts we created a utility called wrap, which wraps an existing prototype function (“method”) and allows you to add your own code before or after it.

The wrap function accepts the parent object as the first argument, the name of the function to wrap as the second, and a callback replacement function as the third. The original function is passed as the first argument to the replacement function, and original arguments follow after that.

Let’s get wrapping. We will create a quick Highcharts plugin that overrides the Highcharts.Tooltip.prototype.hide behavior. We want the tooltip to persist, in other words we don’t want the tooltip to hide. Let’s override the hide method with a no-op method.

(function (H) {
    H.wrap(H.Tooltip.prototype, 'hide', function (defaultCallback) {

For the minimalists, the following code also does the exact same thing

(function (H) {
    H.wrap(H.Tooltip.prototype, 'hide', function () {});

Although, we have completely removed the hide functionality in the above example, we sometimes may want this to happen conditionally. The wrap method provides the original method as the first parameter too and we could use it for pre-processing, post-processing, conditional processing, etc.

(function (H) {
        H.wrap(H.Tooltip.prototype, 'hide', function (defaultCallback) {
            // Pre Processing
            if (/* .. */) {
                //Do Nothing (Do Not Hide)
            } else { // Call the default Hide Callback
            // Post Processing

If you noticed the demo carefully, you see the tooltip does persist but the tooltip does not come up till the user hovers over the chart once. We may want to force the showing of tooltip on load, let us see how to accomplish that.

The tooltip object has a refresh method on it, this method takes the points on which the tooltip shall show up. In case of a shared tooltip this argument would be an array, otherwise the method takes a single point as the argument. Following code would bring up the tooltip on the 3rd point on the 2nd series.

// If the tooltip.shared=true, the parameter is an array of points

Invoking the above immediately after the chart instantiation shall show the tooltip on load, and clubbing with the previous plugin we shall have an ever persisting tooltip.

Here is the example we began with and see what can be accomplished by combining the techniques together

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Customizing Highcharts – Tooltip Positioning

The Highcharts API Reference for tooltip.positioner reads

A callback function to place the tooltip in a default position. The callback receives three parameters: labelWidth, labelHeight and point, where point contains values for plotX and plotY telling where the reference point is in the plot area. Add chart.plotLeft and chart.plotTop to get the full coordinates. The return should be an object containing x and y values, for example { x: 100, y: 100 }.

However, positioner is much more than just the default position of the tooltip. It takes the following syntax

    positioner:function(labelWidth, labelHeight, point){
        var tooltipX,tooltipY;
        // ... Calculations go here ... //
        return { x : tooltipX, y : tooltipY };

Note the three arguments labelWidth, labelHeight & point at your disposal, these seem to be sufficient for most of the use cases to calculate a desired tooltip position. labelWidth and labelHeight are the width and height that your tooltip requires, hence you can use them for edge cases to adjust your tooltip and prevent it from spilling out of the chart or even worse getting clipped. Let us see an example of positioning the tooltip to the right of the point.

positioner: function (labelWidth, labelHeight, point) {
    var tooltipX, tooltipY;
    tooltipX = point.plotX + chart.plotLeft + 20;
    tooltipY = point.plotY + chart.plotTop - 20;
    return {
        x: tooltipX,
        y: tooltipY

Keen eyes would have noticed a problem while hovering over the December points, the tooltip goes outside the chart area. Let’s fix this using the labelWidth, this tells us how much space would the tooltip need. Using the labelWidth along side pointX we can find the far right of the tooltip and compare that with the plot’s width, if it goes outta bounds, we position the tooltip to the left instead. Try fiddling with the rightmost points on the series.

positioner: function (labelWidth, labelHeight, point) {
    var tooltipX, tooltipY;
    if (point.plotX + labelWidth > chart.plotWidth) {
        tooltipX = point.plotX + chart.plotLeft - labelWidth - 20;
    } else {
        tooltipX = point.plotX + chart.plotLeft + 20;
    tooltipY = point.plotY + chart.plotTop - 20;
    return {
        x: tooltipX,
        y: tooltipY

Sometimes, all we may want is a static location for the tooltip, like one of the corners of the chart. At the same time, we might not want the tooltip to eclipse any datapoints. We could simply assign the bottom left corner (chart.plotLeft,chart.plotTop + chart.plotHeight – labelHeight) as the tooltip’s position, and make use of the all the three parameters to determine if the current point falls behind the tooltip’s default location, if so, move the tooltip to the top right of the point. Hover over any point and observe the tooltip stays at the corner, now hover over the point at the bottom left and see the tooltip give way to the point.

positioner: function (labelWidth, labelHeight, point) {
    var tooltipX, tooltipY;
    if (point.plotX + chart.plotLeft < labelWidth && point.plotY + labelHeight > chart.plotHeight) {
        tooltipX = chart.plotLeft;
        tooltipY = chart.plotTop + chart.plotHeight - 2 * labelHeight - 10;
    } else {
        tooltipX = chart.plotLeft;
        tooltipY = chart.plotTop + chart.plotHeight - labelHeight;
    return {
        x: tooltipX,
        y: tooltipY

For further reading, the default tooltip positioner that comes with highcharts is interesting. One should be able to adapt this to the appropriate requirement (Source).

 * Place the tooltip in a chart without spilling over
 * and not covering the point it self.
getPosition: function (boxWidth, boxHeight, point) {

    var chart = this.chart,
        distance = this.distance,
        ret = {},
        first = ['y', chart.chartHeight, boxHeight, point.plotY + chart.plotTop],
        second = ['x', chart.chartWidth, boxWidth, point.plotX + chart.plotLeft],
        // The far side is right or bottom
        preferFarSide = point.ttBelow || (chart.inverted && !point.negative) || (!chart.inverted && point.negative),
         * Handle the preferred dimension. When the preferred dimension is tooltip
         * on top or bottom of the point, it will look for space there.
        firstDimension = function (dim, outerSize, innerSize, point) {
            var roomLeft = innerSize < point - distance,
                roomRight = point + distance + innerSize < outerSize,
                alignedLeft = point - distance - innerSize,
                alignedRight = point + distance;

            if (preferFarSide && roomRight) {
                ret[dim] = alignedRight;
            } else if (!preferFarSide && roomLeft) {
                ret[dim] = alignedLeft;
            } else if (roomLeft) {
                ret[dim] = alignedLeft;
            } else if (roomRight) {
                ret[dim] = alignedRight;
            } else {
                return false;
         * Handle the secondary dimension. If the preferred dimension is tooltip
         * on top or bottom of the point, the second dimension is to align the tooltip
         * above the point, trying to align center but allowing left or right
         * align within the chart box.
        secondDimension = function (dim, outerSize, innerSize, point) {
            // Too close to the edge, return false and swap dimensions
            if (point < distance || point > outerSize - distance) {
                return false;

                // Align left/top
            } else if (point < innerSize / 2) {                 ret[dim] = 1;                 // Align right/bottom             } else if (point > outerSize - innerSize / 2) {
                ret[dim] = outerSize - innerSize - 2;
                // Align center
            } else {
                ret[dim] = point - innerSize / 2;
         * Swap the dimensions 
        swap = function (count) {
            var temp = first;
            first = second;
            second = temp;
            swapped = count;
        run = function () {
            if (firstDimension.apply(0, first) !== false) {
                if (secondDimension.apply(0, second) === false && !swapped) {
            } else if (!swapped) {
            } else {
                ret.x = ret.y = 0;

    // Under these conditions, prefer the tooltip on the side of the point
    if (chart.inverted || this.len > 1) {

    return ret;


Read further about customizing the visibility of the tooltip @ Customizing Highcharts – Tooltip Visibility

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Exceptions aren’t problems but symptoms, let them show up

When we design an application we are the ones to govern the rules, it’s like a country having its own laws which everyone inside has to abide to and obviously, we don’t want people who won’t follow our jurisdiction. Assuming people keep the same persona both in and outside the country. There are several ways to ensure this, you can have a check-post to ensure whom you wish to allow inside, or you can allow everybody in & have cops to catch intruders when they disobey some laws, or you can simply have enough trust in the outside world to only send good people to your country. I am a big time believer of peace and hence strongly recommend the last. Rest of the blog is for people who simply cannot follow the crappie-big-time-believer-of-peace-ethic

Trust brings with it expectations. Since we programmers, unlike managers, don’t expect impossible things and hence we can say expectations are a small subset of possibilities. All code that you write, should be against expectations and not possibilities, with just one exception which we shall see later in the post. What this means is, your code should be free of try...catch blocks, unless one of the use case is expected to produce some exception, and even in such cases your catch block should be against that particular expected type of exception and not against all subclasses of Exception. Assume our acceptance criteria says, Divide should return Double.Infinity if we encounter division by zero.

A way to do this would be

public double Divide(MyNumber num1, MyNumber num2)
    double result;
        result = num1.Value / num2.Value;
    catch (Exception exception)
        return Double.Infinity;
    return result;

The above code is sure to return Double.Infinity if num2.Value were to be zero. Here even if we pass num1 or num2 as null, we will be returned Double.Infinity, since num1.Value / num2.Value will throw a NullReferenceException exception, which will be caught. As we are not expecting num1 or num2 to be null, we should be alerted when this happens. By catching it we will never know something unexpected even happened.

Right way to do it would be to only catch the expected DivideByZeroException & not others

public double Divide(MyNumber num1, MyNumber num2)
    double result;
        result = num1.Value / num2.Value;
    catch (DivideByZeroException exception)
        return Double.Infinity;
    return result;

Another thing to keep in mind is your try block should have as few statements & operators as possible. More the number of statements, less likely the exception occurred at the expected place.

// We are sure the exception occurred at the expected line
public double Divide(MyNumber num1, MyNumber num2)
    double result;
    double value1 = num1.getValue();
    double value2 = num2.getValue();
        result = value1 / value2;
    catch (DivideByZeroException exception)
        return Double.MaxValue;
    return result;
// We can't say the exception happened during division
// It may have been thrown by one of the getValue() calls too
// If latter was the case, we better come to know about it
public double Divide(MyNumber num1, MyNumber num2)
    double result;
        result = num1.getValue() / num2.getValue();
    catch (Exception exception)
        return Double.MaxValue;
    return result;

So what happens to all the exceptions that we did not catch? Any unhandled exception will crash your application. Let our application crash!! Are you crazy? you may say, well craziness is a relative term 🙂 When an exception that we were not prepared for occurs, its better to let your app sink, than to let it continue in an unknown and possibly inconsistent state. But the same can be done gracefully.

All applications/processes/threads have start points, like main() is a start point, so if anything inside fails it cascades back to these start points, this is one place where we use a generic try...catch(Exception e) and in the catch, we should log the exception, and let the user know that the ship is sinking. It gets a bit tricky with multi-threaded applications but most of these do have some event to subscribe to unhandled exceptions, in case of threads one can create a utility method that creates threads, and hence this utility becomes the start point of all user-created threads, and the try...catch can be deployed here. Note that, in case of unhandled exceptions in threads, only that thread will die and not necessarily entire application, some special care may be needed

eg: Catching unhandled exception in main

static void Main(string[] args)
        //All you code goes in here
    catch (Exception ex)
        Console.WriteLine("Some unknown error occured, the application will close now");

eg: Catching unhandled exception in multi-threaded applications.
This is the simplest way of achieving a streamlined thread creation mechanism and hence handling any exceptions in the new threads, we just need to make sure that any new thread should only be spawned using this method

public static void ExecuteOnNewThread(Action actionToInvokeOnNewThread)
            var thread = new Thread(PerformAction(actionToInvokeOnNewThread));

        private static ThreadStart PerformAction(Action actionToInvokeOnNewThread)
            return () =>
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Console.WriteLine("Some unknown error occurred, the application will close now");

So what does all this give us? This helps us track down all unexpected behaviors a.k.a defects which may have been hidden due to the improper exception handling. These exceptions in the generic catch blocks are your symptoms to a bigger problem which is waiting to be solved by you, so go and gear up with your debugging hat and get started…